Who are Christian creatives and why do they matter?
What does it mean to be a Christian creative?
Christians are called to be creative because God created them in his image.
Christian creatives are inspired by God and use their creativity to illuminate the Word of God and model the love of Christ to the world.
Christian creatives are called to create with purpose, excellence, and faithfulness.
Christian creatives are artists, writers, homemakers, or creative professionals.
Christian creatives find inspiration from other Christians.
How are people creative with God?
Christians are creative in their homes, workplaces, and communities.
Christians are creative by tithing, praying for the sick, ministering, and following God's purpose.
Christians are creative in many ways including designing buildings, creating dance programs, sharing testimonies, leading worship, starting businesses, and much more.
What does the Bible say about creativity?
The Bible says that Christians are new creations in Christ.
The Bible says that God is the first artist and that his creation is beautiful and unique.
Trellis language and bearing fruit language on website?
John 15:8, 16
Love God. Love people. That’s what we’re here to do. Galatians 5:22 Without love, all fruit is plastic!
Col 3:12 14. Put on compassionate hearts
GloryStory, Our Story His Glory, Glory/Story, GloryStories, etc.
The gleanings Deut 24:19 - the marginalized
The Creative Trellis Network is the alliance in which you grow in your capacity and confidence to “Be, Go, and Do!” for the Kingdom. (Scroll down for more)
*CTN is a ministry of A.C.T. Intl, a nonprofit missions-sending board designed specifically for creative and innovative ministries. A.C.T. Intl is based in Brentwood, Tennessee.
The Creative Trellis Network is the association through which you discover new opportunities to serve and be served.
Creative Trellis proactively develops and deploys innovative ministries such as yours by offering network members a growing list of strategic benefits, and continuing education.
*CTN is a ministry of A.C.T. Intl, a nonprofit missions-sending board designed specifically for creative and innovative ministries. A.C.T. Intl is based in Brentwood, Tennessee.